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Saturday, December 3, 2011
Josh's new job is looking pretty good.
Looks like Josh will get his new job. It is a part time job initially but it should convert to a full time job with benefits. He actually seems to like what he would be doing and that is a rare commodity. We should all be happy for him.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Scott Walker Recall Petition was at the Post Office.
I signed the Scott Walker recall petition today. It's a good thing.
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Tofu is dangerous!
Image via Wikipedia |
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
A friend of ours may have leukemia.
A friend of ours may have leukemia and is waiting for test results. Please keep him in your prayers. Some people have said that prayer doesn't change anything but they are mistaken.
Knowing someone with a possible diagnosis of leukemia puts everything in perspective.
Knowing someone with a possible diagnosis of leukemia puts everything in perspective.
Friday, November 25, 2011
The Religion of Global Warming has followers.
This link is an interesting article on climate change. If man made CO2 emissions are the dominate force behind global warming then why is there evidence of a cover up strategy for any data to the contrary? It should not be necessary to repress data for political purposes.
Should we really call it Global Warming or is Global Climate Change a more realistic term? Changing the terms of an unpopular unproven theory is one way to help it gain political approval. Since the weather is always changing, who can deny that Global Climate Change is a reality. No matter what the weather does it provides positive data for Global Climate Change.
When are we due for the next ice age? Global Climate Change will be the inevitable culprit of that cataclysmic event no doubt.
'via Blog this'
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
I would like to take this occasion to thank God for everything that I have been given. Thank you Jesus!
Also, the world champion Green Bay Packers are 11-0. I suppose it is possible for life to get better for me but it would be difficult.
There are a lot of people less fortunate than me that need real help. I recommend donating to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission at this time of year. It is an honest charity that does an excellent job.
Also, the world champion Green Bay Packers are 11-0. I suppose it is possible for life to get better for me but it would be difficult.
There are a lot of people less fortunate than me that need real help. I recommend donating to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission at this time of year. It is an honest charity that does an excellent job.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Physicists take the Multiverse seriously!
Image via Wikipedia |
Judy said she will be the "One". She also quotes other Jet Li sayings. Is she really the same girl I married 25 years ago or is she a Doppelganger trying to hide from Multiverse police? This Multiverse theory could explain a lot of things in my life.
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Josh may have a job offer.
Josh may have a job offer if it pans out. Interview went favorably and they just have to do a little followup but it looks like he got.
Scott Walker commercials are on the air!
I watched one of Governor Walker's commercials which had several people endorsing the Governor's actions. I noticed that all the people on the commercial were white and had blond hair. Couldn't Governor Walker at least make a small attempt to appeal to all people. Why are there no Black people, Hispanics, Asians or people from other racial groups on this commercial? Would other races offend Governor Walker's political base perhaps? I don't have anything against white blonds but a little variety in a political commercial would represent our state better.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
Mitt Romney didn't attend.
Image via Wikipedia |
I didn't listen to the "debate" but I did see some short videos on the news about it. I just do not have a lot of time to listen to Republicans with tears in their eyes giving their personal life testimonies when many of the domestic policies they propose seem incompatible with the words of Jesus. I may have my own problems but I don't need to waste what little time that I have listening to bunch of hypocrites cry.
Mitt Romney may not be a Christian but his Massachusetts health care plan was a policy that is compatible with the words of Jesus. I believe he left the Massachusetts economy in good shape in spite of state wide health care for all.
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Monday, October 31, 2011
Cat took a bite out of the Vet and sent the Vet to Doctor.
I have sympathy for the Vet but I can't help being proud of the cat.
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Saturday, October 29, 2011
Josh's cat jumped out of the second story window.
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I am watching Jet Li in The One on netflix.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Is Aaron Rodgers getting married soon?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Obama was on the tonight show.
He should gracefully drop Joe Biden as Vice-President somehow and get Hillary Clinton as his running mate at the last minute. This would improve his chances of re-election.
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I stopped using Nasonex and the pain seems to go away.
The head pains I was experiencing seem to be diminishing after I stopped taking Nasonex for one day. It may just be coincidence but the pain seems to be much less. My Doctor didn't think the Nasonex could cause the pain I had and Nasonex did help with my sore throat. I am just glad that I can now chew on the left side again without hell fire erupting in my jaw. I may not need anything right now because the allergy season is basically over.
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Monday, October 24, 2011
What is the secret to a happy family life?
Also, a safe response to almost any question is "I don't know". You can vary your intonation of voice when saying this to deal with an extended conversation if needed.
Most problems are self-resolving so the above two methods will save a lot of time by eliminating unneeded effort. You can then concentrate on taking care of real problems.
U.S. credit rating may be downgraded again.
I don't believe that the liberals in the Democratic Party are the answer either. We need politicians who will at least talk to each other for the purpose of solving problems. Maybe that is too much to ask for.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Pain to teeth, jaw and head is irritating.
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Pirates of the Caribbean movie is a great relaxer.
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Obama is correct to pull troops out of Iraq.
We should try to keep Iraq stable at this time to avoid the loss of more lives or the establishment of a new terrorist state. Unfortunately its difficult to stabilize a country without a military force in the country and we will never have the will power to re-invade Iraq if things go sour after we leave. I don't know of a good solution to the situation but I do know that its not worth the lives of any more U.S. soldiers to stay in Iraq at this time. Hopefully the people of Iraq will take care of their own problems internally and not threaten anyone outside their borders for the foreseeable future.
I suspect the current situation in Iraq is only a short term solution and that there will be more problems in the years to come but a short term solution is better than no solution at all. The deaths of U.S. soldiers is not going to improve the situation in Iraq so Obama is doing the right thing at the right time.
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I hope the Packers win against the Vikings today.
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Wauwatosa, WI is starting to be a rough place to live.
A similar situation happened before while I was walking on the sidewalk in Wauwatosa at night so this is not a completely isolated incident. Don't these people have anything better to do? It's time to get the hell out of Wauwatosa because it is definitely not a good place to live and certainly not worth the tax rate of Wauwatosa.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sweepstakes offerings are weak right now.
Josh now trains other workers.
He has applied at the museum for a part time job that would suit him well. He has a number of possibilities for full time jobs but no firm offers yet.
Herman Cain seems to be modifying 9-9-9
If Romney did manage to win he would be greatly hampered in his policy decisions by the frighteningly ignorant Tea Party wing of the Republican party. Romney had some excellent ideas regarding health care when he was a governor but he would never be able to do anything reasonable in the current political climate. I sympathize with some Tea Party social policy ideas but they would destroy what is left of this country if they ever achieved unchecked power. It is simply not sensible to take extreme positions and not negotiate with the other political party. The Tea Party appears to me to be unreasonable in their economic views and immoral on health care for people who need help.
It is wrong not to help a person requiring health care if they are in need. I would be willing to bet that most Tea Party members would help someone if they saw the situation first hand but we live in a society with obligations to its citizens and we are morally obligated to support the government when it takes care of people in need. Maybe if Herman Cain used all his new projected tax revenues to support a sensible health care policy, he might be worth a second look.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Ann hit a deer with her car but she is OK.
Coffee and Chocolate are going extinct!
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The world is running out of coffee and chocolate?
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Friday, October 14, 2011
Dell's tablets
The Inspiron Duo is alright but its tablet mode is proprietary. If Dell would have run the tablet mode on the latest version of Android they would have a killer machine.
The Streak 7 is not bad but it is too high priced when compared to the new Kindle Fire.
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Herman Cain's policy choices
I am in favor of policies that are good for business and create jobs. The 9-9-9 policy may create a few jobs in some third world countries and may help a few wealthy Americans get more stock value but at the cost of making the average american a lot poorer.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Kindle library books
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