A few influential liberals have suggested that we should repeal the second amendment.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This would be a simplistic mistake in my opinion that our country may regret years from now. Currently there is a concern about mass shootings but I think steps can be taken to reduce this threat without repealing the second amendment. The total elimination of all danger to soft targets can't be accomplished by taking away the rights of law abiding citizens. The emotional upset from the terrible deaths of innocent people is understandable and we should take action to insure that these types of deaths are prevented.
The people who belong to the NRA and similar organizations did not kill those innocent people. The current revolution style anti-gun movement seeks to demonize the NRA and any politician accepting contributions from them. This approach may backfire. It would be better if common ground could be found to prevent deaths.
The second amendment is relevant for today just as it was when written. Many people today are unfamiliar with personally using firearms. We live in nice safe neighborhoods and have armed police to keep the peace. Many types of large scale disaster scenarios could easily happen to sections or all of our country that might make safety in your neighborhood more questionable. It may be comforting to have your own Arms available to protect your family. The police simply do not have enough officers to go around in many disasters and the national guard may be taking care of bigger problems.
I agree with Thomas Jefferson who said, "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery".